Author = Iraj Saleh
Economic-environmental study of the symbiosis pattern of rice with fish and duck in Gilan province

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 January 2024


Saeid Yazdani; shiva ghaznavi; Hamed Rafiee; Iraj Saleh; Ashkan Nabavi Pelesarai

Economic Evaluation of Dust Damage on the Performance of Agricultural Products in Khuzestan Province

Volume 55, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 149-167


Saeid Yazdani; Shahrouz Khorami; Habibollah Salami; Iraj Saleh

The social acceptance of product irrigated with filtered sewage in the south of Tehran province

Volume 46, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 1-11


Mohamad Reze Sasouli; Saeid Yazdani; Seyed Safdar Hosseini; Iraj Saleh

Analysis of factors Affecting Adoption of Agriculture Conservation in Fars Provinces

Volume 45, Issue 2, July 2014, Pages 247-255


Samaneh Abedi; Saeed Yazdani; Iraj Saleh; Habibollah salami; Mohamad reza Jahansuz

Sources of Output Growth in Iranian Agriculture:An Input-Output Analysis

Volume 42, Issue 1, October 2011, Pages 1-17

vahideh Ansari; Habib-allah Salami; Iraj Saleh

A Determination of Marketing Extension Components regarding Flowers, and Ornamental Plants

41-2, Issue 4, March 2011, Pages 513-522

Hossein Yadavar; Yosef Hejazi; Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini; Iraj Saleh

An Analysis of On Farm Development Program in Rice Fields

2-41, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 299-312

mohammad sadegh ebrahimi; khalil kalantari; ali asadi; hamid movahed mohammadi; Iraj saleh

Determining the Effective Factors in Marketing Extension of Ornamental Flowers

2-41, Issue 1, June 2010

hossein yad avar; yousef hejazi; seyed mahmood hosseini; Iraj saleh