ارزیابی اثربخشی تامین مالی پروژه‌های بخش کشاورزی با تاکید بر ریسک‌پذیری و عوامل روانشناختی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه حسابداری، دانشگاه حضرت معصومه (س)، قم، ایران

2 گروه مدیریت،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد سنندج، سنندج، ایران



تامین مالی نقش بسزائی در توسعه بخش کشاورزی داشته و از جمله دغدغه­های جدی سیاست­گذاران و فعالان این بخش محسوب می­شود. در همین راستا، پژوهش حاضر تلاش کرده است اثربخشی تامین مالی پروژه­های بخش کشاورزی را با تاکید بر ریسک فردی (میزان ریسک­پذیری وام­گیرندگان) و عوامل روانشناختی مورد مطالعه و بررسی قرار دهد. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر دریافت­کنندگان وام از بانک کشاورزی بوده و حجم نمونه آماری 225 نفر است. داده­های مورد نیاز از طریق پرسشنامه گردآوری شده است. تجزیه­وتحلیل داده­های پژوهش با استفاده از مدل­یابی معادلات ساختاری و از طریق نرم­افزارهای SPSS نسخه 26 و Amos نسخه 24 انجام شده است. این پژوهش شامل دو سازه اصلی و نه سازه فرعی است. این سازه­ها عبارتند از: ریسک­پذیری فردی (مالی، اجتماعی، شغلی، اخلاقی و نهادی) و اثربخشی تامین مالی پروژ­ه­های کشاورزی (سودمندی، قابلیت اطمینان، قابلیت دسترسی و قابلیت انعطاف). بنابر یافته­های این پژوهش هر یک از ریسک­های مالی، اجتماعی، شغلی، اخلاقی و نهادی بخشی از فرایند ریسک­پذیری فردی می­باشند. همچنین اثربخشی تامین مالی پروژ­ه­های کشاورزی شامل مولفه­های سودمندی، قابلیت اطمینان، قابلیت دسترسی و قابلیت انعطاف است. یافته­های پژوهش نشان می­دهد ریسک­پذیری فردی بر هر یک از مولفه­های سودمندی، قابلیت اطمینان، قابلیت دسترسی و قابلیت انعطاف اثر مثبت و معناداری دارد. به­علاوه ریسک­پذیری فردی بر اثربخشی تامین مالی پروژ­ه­های کشاورزی اثر مثبت و معناداری دارد. درنهایت، یافته­های این پژوهش می‌تواند به سیاست­گذاران و مدیران بانک­ها در درک هرچه بهتر میزان ریسک­پذیری مشتریان و شناسایی علل وقوع ریسک در کسب‌وکارهای آنان کمک کند. 



Extended Abstract


Financing has played a crucial role in the growth and development of the agricultural sector and remains a major concern for policymakers and professionals in this field. Policymakers and bank managers have initiated numerous programs to enhance the effectiveness of financing projects within the agricultural sector. Achieving maximum effectiveness and efficiency in these programs requires accurate identification of needs by policymakers and a high level of adoption by the target population. Incorporating psychological factors can improve program efficiency. Therefore, considering the psychological aspects of planning in financing from both theoretical and practical perspectives can be effective in understanding future needs and ensuring stability.

This study aims to evaluate the sustainability of financing programs in the agricultural sector, with a focus on individual risk and policy effectiveness. It assumes that risk-taking serves as a valuable indicator for assessing the relationship between expected returns and risks, as well as policy support. The study seeks to explore the impact of risk-taking on financial policies related to the agricultural sector by providing a general framework.



This study is practical in nature and is classified as a descriptive-exploratory correlation study. The population under investigation consists of borrowers from Bank Keshavarzi Iran. Data was collected using a questionnaire. After considerable effort, 240 questionnaires were returned, of which 225 were usable. The study employed simple random sampling and was conducted during the first half of 2023.

The literature review for this study was compiled using the library research method. The study examines two main constructs: risk propensity and perceived effectiveness related to agricultural financing programs in the agricultural sector. The first construct, risk propensity, includes five sub-constructs: financial, career, social, institutional, and ethical risks. The second construct, perceived effectiveness, comprises four sub-constructs: usefulness, reliability, flexibility, and accessibility. The items for each dimension were developed by reviewing existing research literature and consulting with experts. In total, 25 items were used to measure the various dimensions of risk propensity, with each sub-construct contributing 5 items.



In general, this study includes four hypotheses, which have been analyzed as follows: The research findings indicate that all five types of risk—financial, social, career, ethical, and institutional—are components of risk propensity. Among these, financial risk has the greatest impact, while institutional risk has the least, based on standard coefficients. Risk propensity decreases when individuals actively work to minimize financial, social, career, ethical, and institutional risks.

The research also shows that all four components—perceived usefulness, reliability, accessibility, and flexibility—are crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural financing. Of these, perceived reliability has the most significant impact, and perceived flexibility has the least, according to standard coefficients. Consequently, people find bank loans beneficial when they possess qualities such as usefulness, reliability, accessibility, and flexibility.

Furthermore, the findings reveal that risk propensity affects all four components in the evaluation of agricultural financing effectiveness. The standard coefficients indicate that risk propensity has the greatest impact on flexibility and the least on accessibility.

According to the research findings, risk propensity influences the evaluation of agricultural financing effectiveness. With a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.46, it can be concluded that risk propensity accounts for 46% of the variance in agricultural financing effectiveness.



The aim of this study was to identify and explain how different dimensions of risk propensity affect the effectiveness of bank loans in the agricultural sector. Specifically, the study sought to examine the role of factors such as individual behavior, financing schemes, and targeted areas, and to explore how these factors mediate effectiveness. Understanding the causes of varied perceptions and judgments is crucial, as it can help improve rural livelihoods. Therefore, the research findings can assist academics and policymakers in better understanding the complexities involved in evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural financing.

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