نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، دانشکده علوم زراعی، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری، ساری، ایران
Today, with the growing demand for water, land and food, as well as environmental issues and problems, including global warming, the future of agriculture is not possible without innovation and new and knowledge-based technologies. Increasing productivity and achieving food security depends on knowledge-based and smart agriculture. However, few researches and surveys have been done regarding the challenges and problems of using these technologies in this sector.Therefore, in this research, it was aimed to identify challenges of eco-based emerging and knowledge based technologies development in the agricultural sector of Mazandaran province.
This was a qualitative and applied research and was conducted using a thematic analysis approach. Data collection continued until theoretical data saturation and 14 semi-structured individual interviews were conducted. In order to achieve the main objective of the research, a three-step thematic analysis process was used to study the identifiying of eco-based emerging and knowledge based technologies development in the agricultural sector of Mazandaran province. In the first step, in order to do open coding, the content of all interviews was implemented and then their open coding was done. At this stage, 69 initial codes with the strongest conceptual power were extracted from the interview text. In the next step, by identifying similarities and differences, 28 sub-themes were recognized.Then, the sub-themes that showed the greatest semantic and conceptual similarity were placed next to each other and the organizing (main) themes were counted. Finally, ATLAS. ti7.5 software was used for drawing of a schematic network. Also, Peer review method was used to validate the analysis of themes.
Based on codes obtained from the interviews with the experts of agricultural smart and in mazandran province by ATLAS. ti7.5 software, four organizing themes including “Economic challenges (3 sub - themes)“, “Infrastructural-supportive challenges (14 sub - themes)" , " Social and Cultural challenges (8 sub - themes) " and " Natural -Environmental challenges (2 sub - themes)” .
Today, compared to the past, eco-based emerging and knowledge based has become a strategic and important issue in the different fields, including agriculture. Since agriculture provides the country's food security, it is important to be knowledge-based and modern with applying eco-based emerging and knowledge based technologies, so that farmers can use these technologies in their fields and farms. Therefore, it is suggested that govermental and private sector support, cultural-social recovery and economic support for the farmers of Mazandaran province should be considered by the officials of this sector.
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