Effective Factors in improving the Farmers’ Resilience to Climate Change in Ghezel Ozan Drainage Basin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


The climate change has exerted the greatest effects on the agriculture in developing countries. In these countries, the agriculture plays a determining role in achieving the goals, such as food safety, employment, and monetization; so, the farmers should become resilient to the climate change. The current study was conducted to determine the factors effective in improving the farmers’ resilience to climate change in Ghezel Ozan drainage basin. Given the complex and interacted components affecting the resilience in social-economic systems, flexible and space-based approaches should be employed. Therefore, the qualitative approach was used. For this purpose, semi structured interviews were carried out with local experts. The sampling in the study was theoretical and, somewhat, snowball. The sample volume was determined as 15 interviews based on achieving theoretical saturation. The data was collected by observation, semi-structured interviews, and field notes. The comparative analysis was employed to analyze the data, and the extracted components were classified as social, economic, humane, natural, and physical capitals, along with governments, institutional-cultural capitals, market studies factors, and multimedia. Eventually, some suggestions were made based on the results.
