Tobacco farming system as a specialized commodity production system is common in the Mazandaran province and the gains to employment, income and livelihood for rural communities. Hence the development of tobacco farming system can contribute to the sustainability of rural livelihoods. Statistical evidences of tobacco cultivation in recent years illuminate that this farming system is faced with serious challenges in Mazandaran province. This research aimed at identify and analysis issues and problems of tobacco cultivation and provide appropriate solution to develop the tobacco farming system. This qualitative Research carried out by Grounded Theory method. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews. Statistical population of this research consisted of included tobacco growers in the Mazandaran province and experts of Tobacco Research Institute of Tirtash, affiliated to Iranian Tobacco Company. Using purposeful sampling technique, a representative sample was selected (n=42). Data was analyzed through multi-stage coding, including open coding, axial coding and selective coding. According to research findings, restraining factors affecting development of tobacco framing summarized in the six thematic categories, including economic, social – communication, technological - infrastructure, organizational - institutional, natural – agronomic and inappropriate supporting. Also, constructing factors categorized in four principal components, including supplying support services, appropriate policy making and organization, facilitated access to crop inputs, and social considerations. Through conceptualization of retraining and constricting factors, two representative conceptual model of development of tobacco framing system in the Mazandaran province was drawn.
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sharifzadeh, M. S. . "An Qualitative Diagnosis of Agricultural Specialized Commodity Production System: Case of Tobacco Production in Mazandaran Province", Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 47, 4, 2016, 887-899. doi: 10.22059/ijaedr.2016.61388
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M. S. sharifzadeh, "An Qualitative Diagnosis of Agricultural Specialized Commodity Production System: Case of Tobacco Production in Mazandaran Province," Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 47 4 (2016): 887-899, doi: 10.22059/ijaedr.2016.61388
sharifzadeh, M. S. An Qualitative Diagnosis of Agricultural Specialized Commodity Production System: Case of Tobacco Production in Mazandaran Province. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 2016; 47(4): 887-899. doi: 10.22059/ijaedr.2016.61388