Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Sustainable Agriculture Promotion and Education, Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran
Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development . University of Tehran,Karaj ,Iran
Although there are proven and successful developments in higher education for sustainable development, many challenges remain. Among these challenges is the need for higher education institutions to improve the integration of sustainability into curricula, training, and research holistically. In this regard, the present study aimed to explore the challenges and limitations of integrating sustainability issues into higher education in Iranian faculties of agriculture and natural resources. The qualitative research method was thematic analysis, purposive sampling technique, and data collection method, a structured interview with sustainability professor experts, conducted until the topic was saturated and then analyzed using Maxqdawin20 software. Four criteria were used to evaluate the research findings: Accreditation, Transferability, Replicability, and Verifiability. The results of the data analysis in the coding process led to the identification of 137 open codes, which were finally categorized in terms of 24 central themes and under three overarching themes, including cognitive, cultural, and structural challenges. According to the results of the study, most of the challenges for the faculties of agriculture and natural resources lie in the integration of sustainability in the structural dimension. Finally, based on the research findings, practical approaches are presented that can be used by policymakers, educational planners, and faculty members in curriculum and academic planning.
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