Evaluation of conservation and recreational functions of Hamoon wetland, using conditional valuation approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department Of Economics and Agricultural Development, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Sistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Zabol, Iran

3 Assistant Professor Faculty member of institution of humanity and social sciences of ACECR, Tehran, Iran


Wetland services include recreational use, harvested meat (as direct consumption values) and carbon sequestration, oxygen production, water conservation and soil conservation (as indirect consumption values). In addition to use values, wetlands have other values; these values are the sums that individuals are willing to pay to protect wetlands for future use, for future generations to enjoy them, and for their mere existence. In this paper, the value of goods and services of Hamoon Wetland ecosystem in Sistan region in the form of information functions (recreational and protective values) in 2019 has been estimated. The information needed to estimate the value of these functions was collected using a questionnaire. Recreational and conservation values of Hamoon wetland as the recreational value of forest ecosystem of Hamoon wetland, was collected by collecting information from 350 people randomly in the villages around the wetland and the conditional valuation method. Based on the obtained results, the value of recreational and protective functions of Hamoon Wetland was estimated at 629.82 million Rials and 644.2 billion Rials, respectively. In case of collecting fees from visitors in order to use the recreational function of the wetland and its cost to maintain the wetland, it is possible to develop and preserve its existing values.


Main Subjects

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