Modeling Effective Factors on the environmental ethical behavior of villagers with an emphasis the theory of value-conscience-normative (Case: Alishravan and Misha Khas in Siwan from Ilam city functions)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. student, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Khuzestan, Iran

3 Associate Professors, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Khuzestan, Iran


The occurrence of environmental problems and its increasing trend has become a major concern of international organizations and experts in this field. Since human behavior is the main cause of environmental hazards, in recent years, the type of human behavior with the environment has been at the forefront of international attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study was Modeling Effective Factors on the environmental ethical behavior of villagers with an emphasis the theory of value-conscience-normative. The statistical population of this research included all the supervisors of villages of Alishravan’s and Mishan Khas’s family in Siwan in the city of Ilam. Using the Cochran formula, 332 people were sampled. Finally, 335 questionnaires were collected and analyzed in a proportional sampling method. The present study was carried out using a questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a survey of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. In order to test the structural model presented in the theoretical framework of the research the path analysis technique was used by maximum likelihood method using AMOS software (V 20). Structural Equation modeling showed the optimal fit of the structural model. In total, the variables of research explained 72% of the variance of environmental ethical behavior of villagers.


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