Relation between creativity and entrepreneurial intentions (Case study: Agricultural students, University of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Students, Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate relation between creativity and entrepreneurial intentions. Statistical population was consisted of last-year juniors of agriculture from two agricultural collages at the University of Tehran (Karaj’s Agricultural and Natural Resources Campus and College of Aburaihan) (N=420(. 201 ones were selected as statistical sample. The main instrument was a questionnaire. Its validity confirmed by faculties of Entrepreneurship and Psychology and Educational Sciences in University of Tehran. Its reliability calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α>0.70). Data was analyse by using SPSS16 and Lisrel8.54 in both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, respectively. Results showed that the student’s self-perception of creativity is the only one that affects entrepreneurial intentions of agricultural students from among three dimensions considered for creativity (individual creativity, university environment and family one that promote creativity). However, not university nor family environment could promote creativity and subsequent student’s entrepreneurial intentions.


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