An Investigation of the Role of Extension Factors on the Adoption of IPM Technologies among Paddy Farmers, Sari County



The main purpose followed in the ongoing research was to investigate the role of the extension factors (experience of familiarity with agricultural extension services, participation of paddy farmers in extension - educational courses, their participation in Farmer Field School (FFS) programs, and their number of extension contacts regarding IPM) in the adoption of IPM technology among paddy farmers of Sari County. The research was an applied one with the statistical population being consisted of farmers who inhabited a number of five Sari County residential districts. Using stratified proportional random sampling, 260 paddy farmers (through Cochran Formula) were selected. Data were collected through questionnaire, the validity (Face Validity) of which was verified by Jihad-e-Agriculture experts of Sari County and a panel from the faculty members of agricultural extension and education. To ascertain the reliability of the questionnaire Coronbach’s Alpha formula was calculated (estimated at greater than 0.7). It was found that there were positive significant correlations between the variables: experience in familiarity with agricultural extension services, rate of paddy farmers' participation in extension-educational courses, FFS programs and as well the number of extension contacts and the variable of: adoption of IPM technology among the paddy farmers. Paddy farmers who participated in extension – educational courses and in FFS Programs stood at a higher level, in application of IPM technologies, as compared with those who did not attend these classes
