An Investigation of the Entrepreneurial Characteristics Prevailent among the Students of the University College of Agriculture, University of Tehran



The purpose followed in this study was to investigate entrepreneurial characteristics prevailent among the Students of University College of Agriculture, University of Tehran carried out through a descriptive-survey method. The research population consisted of students of the University College of Agriculture, University of Tehran from among whom 123 were selected through Stratified Random Sampling method. The instrument of research was questionnaire the reliability of which was assessed through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient found as equal to 0.80. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by judgement of a panel of faculty members of the University College of Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Faculties of Tehran University. Data analysis was accomplished, using SPSS software. The results revealed that around 70 percent of students benefited from high and moderate levels of Entrepreneurial Spirit. The need for achievement, internal locus of control, risk-taking and creativity among most of the students stood at high level but the levels of ambiguity tolerance was rated as low. There were significant differences observed between male and female students, they differently benefiting from creativity and ambiguity tolerance. Male students possessed a higher level of entrepreneurial spirit females. Also, entrepreneurial spirit in postgraduate students stood at a higher level, in comparison with undergrakuate and graduate students. There was no significant relationship observed between students' age and their entrepreneurial spirit.
