Formulating and Validation of Suitable Indices for Analyzing Spatial Agricultural Development Inequalities (Case Study: Fars Province)



The main aim of the current paper is the formulating and validation of suitable indices to analyze spatial agricultural development inequalities in Fars Province. The study was carried out in two phases. In phase one with a review of literature, regarding agricultural development, spatial inequality, along with its indicators, 92 agricultural development indicators were identified. These indices were classified in five components under: 1) socio;-cultural, 2) structural-performance, 3) technical-management, 4) economical, and 5) infrastructural-services. These indices were validated as research samples by 57 experts who were randomly selected from among faculty members of 6 Iranian agriculture faculties. In order to meet the experts consensus and validate the indicators, such statistical methods as: mode, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation as well as Williamson Coefficient, Theil and Herfindal Indexes, the spatial inequalities of each indictor in Fars province were analyzed. The results indicated that, except for four indices, the rest are appropriate for an analysis of spatial agricultural development inequalities. Calculating inequality coefficients also revealed that such economic-financial and structural-service indicators as: agricultural credit institutes, agricultural and rural industries, as well as rural and agricultural cooperatives stand in high inequality situations.
