Document Type : Research Paper
Agricultural Extension, communication and rural development department, Agricultural Faculty, Zanjan University, Iran, Zanjan.
Department of َAgricaltural extension and education, Agricultural College, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Institute of Agricultural Education and Extension, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran
Agricultural extension system needs continuous modification, transformation and improvement, to respond to the changing needs of the farmers’ community. Accordingly, the main purpose of this quantitative research was to designing an representation model for the new agricultural extension system of Iran, using grounded theory. Employing purposive sampling, snowball technique and theoretical saturation criteria, 31 participants, including faculty members, managers, and relevant experts of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), were selected as sample. The collected data were analyzed by using Maxqda12 software and during the three stages of open, axial and selective coding. Also, in order to increase the validity and reliability of qualitative data, the triangulation technique was used. Accordingly, “human resources, structure-planning, functional, infrastructure, financial resources, evaluation system and goals, policy and policy making” as causal condition; “economic-social and cultural structure of the agricultural sector and rural community, stakeholders, inherent characteristics of the agricultural sector and macro policy and conditions of the country” as contextual condition; and “inherent nature of agricultural extension activities and multiplicity of roles and duties” as interfering conditions, were identified as perceived by the respondents. Also, the improvement strategies included an efficient system for monitoring, assessment and effectiveness evaluation of activities, sustainable financial resources, transformation in the structure, processes and functions, knowledge management development, human capital development and appropriate policy making and planning; It is expected that this model will lead to positive consequences including: increasing the penetration of knowledge and technology, social capital development, suitability of extension services with the real needs of the stakeholders, justice-oriented, demand-oriented and improving the effectiveness and responsiveness of the agricultural extension system and finally, improving productivity and sustainability of the agricultural sector.
Main Subjects